It's normal for us studying up North to drop by Penang whenever we want to , midweek , or every weekend be it for better food , birthday parties or like I used to say civilization ...
I can say for the past 5 years of studying here I've been to Penang more than I can count for .
But it has been a while since I explored Penang ... the last probably was during my foundation days that was 4 years ago .... I got the chance to do some Penang exploring when a friend from KL decided to drop by for the long weekend
Despite being really hot ... I think it was a weekend well spent and this probably being the "last" time I go to Penang before leaving for Alor Star ... Happy I could explore Penang once again .
New World Park .. Always a good place to start for a late lunch ... By the time my friend reached Penang it was already past 3 .
We over ordered since we were both hungry and it was the first meal in Penang .
As usual I almost always order their yam cake .
It was pretty late by the time we were done eating , went around Feringhi area . On the way back made a put stop by Gurney for their Rojak .
For supper we had zhap fan or mixed rice ... I don"t know who else eats mixed rice for supper other than Penangites ... And this shop only opens at night.
Good memories of this zhap fan as the last time I had this was 3 years ago from another Penang food spree trip :3
After a heavy supper ... What else to do but to wake up early to continue eating the next morning .
It's been a while since I ate apom of this kind . I miss it already . Think I'm going to be addicted to it . Famous Claypot Apom manis at Pulau Tikus . So good I was told I had to wait 1/2 hour to get this and it was only past 7 am .
Went a bit further to try Hokkien mee and mee goreng at Bangkok Lane .
After the crazy heavy breakfast we decided to walk around the Botanical Garden. Shameless to say it was my first time there. After all these years . :3
After walking breakfast off ... We decided to have uhmm ... Post breakfast (heh) .. at Big Ben since it was nearby.
Plenty of fruit stalls at Botanical Garden which were selling fresh fruits and juices ... Wish there were more places like these in KL that aren't at crazy marked up prices .
After that we went to Heritage Row ... Where we got to take pictures with all the famous murals on the wall . Pretty ... I've seen them before but well it never dawned to me to take pictures with it (heh :3) but nonetheless it was pretty fun .
How is it that I have never been here ?
I'm in love with this place .
I"ve heard so many things about it , seen it before but I have never stepped foot in it . How is that possible ?
Lemon curd cake ?
So coming back here .
Ending with a pic of the famous air itam laksa ... Last picture I took before my phone battery died :3 .
Aah well I"m probably 3 times heavier than I was before I embarked on this trip but not guilty that I had way too much to eat .
This is definitely not the last eating trip .